After years of development, microwave electrodeless UV sterilization equipment has been widely used in drinking water, food, beverages, electronic products, chemicals, medicine, sewage microwave UV water treatment equipment and other fields. Pet feed deodorization equipment manufactor High intensity odorless UV germicidal lamp is used to simplify the special stainless steel inner wall, so that the pretreated water has enough UV when passing through the UV. Customized Pet feed deodorization equipment Irradiation has good sterilization effect. In addition, it has the advantages of simplicity, convenience, broad-spectrum, no secondary pollution, convenient management and automation.
Intelligent sprinkler system Intelligent high-pressure fog pile system Fusen deodorization of waste transfer station

The UV sterilization equipment occupies a small area and the structure requirements are simple, so the total investment is small, Customized Pet feed deodorization equipment The cost of operation is also low. At the level of thousand tons of microwave ultraviolet water treatment equipment, its cost is only 1/2 of chlorine disinfection. Microwave electrodeless ultraviolet sterilization equipment can be used in secondary water supply of high-rise buildings, electronics, medicine, food, chemical industry, beverage, cosmetics industry to produce pure water, swimming pool water disinfection and other water disinfection fields, Pet feed deodorization equipment manufactor Its disinfection process includes tap water → quartz sand filter → activated carbon filter → precision filter → reverse osmosis membrane → ultraviolet disinfection system → ultrafiltration device → water tank, which has the advantages of simplicity, convenience, broad-spectrum, no secondary pollution, easy management and automation.

What are the common faults of microwave and ultraviolet water treatment equipment, Customized Pet feed deodorization equipment Leakage in the water pressure drop equipment system, lack of pressure at the inlet of the high-pressure pump, air leakage, water leakage, blockage of the filter element of the precision filter, high-pressure pump fault, etc. may cause the water pressure drop of the equipment. Solution: Overhaul the high-pressure pump and precision filter, and eliminate problems. Pet feed deodorization equipment manufactor The increase of equipment water pressure may be due to the error of high-pressure pump outlet scheduling index and the blockage of the pipeline from high-pressure pump to reverse osmosis equipment. Solution: recover the equipment pressure by dispatching the outlet index of the high-pressure pump and cleaning the pipeline between the high-pressure pump and the reverse osmosis equipment. The decrease in water production of the manufacturers of microwave and ultraviolet water treatment equipment may be due to the lower water temperature, lower water pressure, and pollution and blockage of the reverse osmosis membrane. Solution: recover normal production by adjusting the temperature of raw water and cleaning and replacing the reverse osmosis membrane.