
 Microwave ultraviolet water treatment equipment
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Why is UV sterilization equipment the main choice?


Ultraviolet sterilizer is a cost-effective alternative, which does not produce carcinogenic by-products or release carcinogenic by-products to the environment. Ultraviolet is also an effective disinfectant for chlorine protozoa, such as cryptosporidium and giardia. These harmful protozoa are not subject to the supervision of waste water. If not treated, it will enter the drinking water inlet downstream of the sewage treatment plant.

With the new development of wastewater treatment plants, Ultraviolet sterilization equipment The cost saving and long-term operation advantage of Sterilization equipment The main choice of. In recent decades, the application of ultraviolet sterilizer in wastewater disinfection has been greatly developed. This technology has been proved to be an environmental substitute for chlorine disinfection. Today, due to many significant safety advantages in communities, factory workers and local water, thousands of cities have changed from chemical disinfection (such as chlorine or sodium hypochlorite (liquid bleach)) to ultraviolet sterilization equipment.

Compared with chlorine disinfection, the conversion of ultraviolet sterilization equipment can be easily converted into the existing chlorine contact tank. The UV sterilizer manufacturer's open channel and closed container wastewater treatment system uses high-quality parts and strict regulation system, including chamber or modular channel system, and provides vertical and horizontal modules. Contact the UV supermarket to adjust the appropriate system to meet your needs.

 Ultraviolet sterilization equipment

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