Compared with other methods, UV disinfection technology has the advantages of high disinfection efficiency, less by-products, small floor area, safety and reliability, and is widely used in water treatment disinfection, especially for cryptosporidium chloride and giardia.
However, UV disinfection technology does not have the capability of continuous disinfection and cannot be monitored online, which brings great difficulties to ensure the disinfection effect. It can be seen from Figure 1 that when the number of bacteria in the influent water is 106/L, if 1% of the bacteria are not disinfected, the effluent water cannot meet the requirements. Therefore, in order to meet the requirements of the ultraviolet disinfection bench, the effectiveness of ultraviolet disinfection should be strictly guaranteed.

The sterilization effect depends on the effective dose of sterilization. The designed dose of the UV sterilization system shall meet the requirements for sterilization of microorganisms in water, and the effective dose=UV intensity (I) x time (T). The UV dose depends on the UV intensity and exposure time, so the quality of UV sterilization should be guaranteed, and the UV intensity and exposure time should meet the design requirements.