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Agricultural products are by-products brought about by agricultural production, which are divided into several categories, such as grain, cash crops, livestock products, cocoons and silk, dried and fresh fruits, dried and fresh vegetables and condiments, medicinal materials, soil by-products, aquatic products, etc. Product characteristics 1. Microwave drying is short and fast: microwave drying is completely different from traditional drying methods, which makes the dried material itself become a heating body,
Product introduction 1. Drying and sterilization are fast and uniform. Microwave drying equipment enables the heated object to become a heating body without heat conduction. Although it is a material with poor heat conductivity, it can also reach the heating temperature in a very short time, so that the material can be dried quickly. Microwave radiation penetrates the material to produce heat effect heating. Therefore, microwave heating is uniform regardless of the shape of the material, Each part
The microwave sterilization equipment is mainly used in the food industry to sterilize various small packaged food, bottled food, bottled drinks, cakes, biscuits, preserved fruit, bean products, cooked food, condiments (chicken essence, flavor), flour, etc. Microwave has the double sterilization effect of thermal effect and non thermal effect Microwave vacuum drying sterilization equipment, so as to achieve the purpose of sterilization. Product introduction:
The microwave sterilization equipment is mainly used in the food industry to sterilize various small packaged food, bottled food, bottled drinks, cakes, biscuits, preserved fruit, bean products, cooked food, condiments (chicken essence, flavor), flour, etc. Microwave has the double sterilization effect of thermal effect and non thermal effect Microwave vacuum drying sterilization equipment, so as to achieve the purpose of sterilization. Scope of application 1
The microwave oil defrosting equipment will not cause any damage and loss to the product, but because the dielectric constants of ice and water are different, the microwave defrosting must be controlled below 0 degrees, that is to say, the microwave thawed meat is suitable for any cutting and deep processing, not directly thawing from frozen meat to cold fresh meat, please note that customers. Microwave thawing process: meat thawed from minus 18 degrees to
Product introduction The meat freezing market is gradually emerging, and the frozen meat defrosting machine is basically the defrosting equipment needed by food processing plants. How to choose the unfreezing equipment? The traditional way of unfreezing is far from meeting the development requirements of modern food processing enterprises. In order to meet the needs of food processing enterprises in China, through continuous research and exploration, the microwave thawing equipment for pork has been developed, which can fully